By the grace of God and the good will of many individual people I have been able to go to parts of the world that I would not have thought of ever going to. Once there I have been given oportunity to share the word of God with a colorful array of people. I have met with dedicated young people and seasoned older workers in the Kingdom business of God. I speak in Bible Schools, at conventions, and in smaller house groups as well as established churches, among people of many different ’tribes and nations’!
I get the question often: What church are you a member of? Which organisation sponsors you? Which particular theology to you defend? My answer will invariaby be the same: There is according to the word of God only one organism called the church of the Lord. It consists of all those who are born again and who worship the living God and him whom God has sent, Jesus Christ. I serve that church wherever it is. It lives inside and outside of local congregations of various definitions. The organisation church is to the living church what the trellis is to the rose. What the lightbulb is to the lamp. I do not believe the light will be brighter if we smash the bulbs.
I do not stand up for a particular brand of theology, I endeavour to stay as close to the instructions of the word of God as I am able. What pidgeonhole people feel the need to put me into is really not very important. I preach Christ and him crucified, and risen to live through people, taking on their humanity and showing the world Whom the Father has sent. I believe in the Comforter and executor of God’s will and the Teacher called the Holy Spirit and my utter dependance on Him. I believe that all scripture is the Word of God. Where the Bible is silent I remain silent also. I give what I have, knowing we all see in part only.
I have opportunities in the UK and in some areas of northern India, requests to come to Singapore and Sweden and do what I know best: to reinstate the faith in the Bible as the whole word of God. To encourage those who struggle to understand the world they live in from the word of God. To strengthen the brethren who minister the word , often very limited circumstances.
I have ’macedonian’ calls to come and hold pastors seminars in Punjab, to teach the marvellous secrets of the Tabernacle in other places, to share the wonders of the bible with people every where.
I live on a small pension, too small for anything but the life on a day to day basis. So if I am to go abroad, then again God must touch the hearts of men and women to make the travels possible.
I will not ask what sort of church is asking me to come, I will serve where I am needed.
Teddy Donobauer